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Both high and low pre-infection glucose levels associated with increased risk for severe COVID-19: New insights from a population-based study

PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases Jul 26, 2021

Shauly-Aharonov M, Shafrir A, Paltiel O, et al. - Researchers conducted a population based historical cohort study investigating the differential effects of pre-infection glucose levels on the risk for severe COVID-19 amongst patients with and without diabetes. They identified 37,121 patients with a positive SARS-COV2 test; 707 of these were defined as severe (1.9%). Outcomes revealed correlation of pre-infection blood glucose with the risk for severe COVID-19 even in non-diabetics. Both high as well as low pre-infection glucose levels are identified as risk factors for severe COVID-19 for patients with a diagnosis of diabetes. A J-shaped association was observed between pre-infection glucose control and the risk for severe COVID-19 for patients with a diagnosis of diabetes, where the lowest risk was noted for cases with fasting blood glucose (FBG) 106–125 mg/dl; the risk raised with higher pre-infection glucose levels but strikingly also for patients with a low pre-infection FBG (< 100mg/dl) or HbA1C (< 5.7%).

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