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Body size, non-occupational physical activity and the chance of reaching longevity in men and women: Findings from the Netherlands Cohort Study

Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health Jan 27, 2019

Brandts L, et al. - Using data from the Netherlands Cohort Study, researchers evaluated how the likelihood of reaching 90 years of age was influenced by height, BMI, and non-occupational physical activity in men and women separately. A total of 7,807 participants completed a questionnaire in 1986 (at ages 68–70 years). These participants were followed up until the age of 90 years (2006–2007) in order to extract vital status information. The investigators noted associations of body size and physical activity with the likelihood of reaching 90 years of age; these links, however, varied by sex. Significant associations were observed between reaching longevity and height, BMI at baseline, and BMI change since 20 years of age in females. Males demonstrated that height and BMI had no relation with respect to longevity. An inverse U-shaped association of non-occupational physical activity with reaching longevity was observed in females, with the highest risk ratio around 60 minutes of physical activity per day. Men showed that physical activity, positively and in a linear manner, was related to reaching longevity.

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