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Benefit of endovascular thrombectomy by mode of onset: Secondary analysis of the DAWN Trial

Stroke Nov 13, 2019

Jadhav AP, Aghaebrahim A, Jankowitz BT, et al. - Among patients presenting with wake-up stroke vs those presenting with witnessed onset or unwitnessed onset, researchers intended to determine if the benefit of thrombectomy in late presenting acute stroke patients with imaging evidence of clinical-infarct mismatch is different. The primary outcome was the proportion of modified Rankin Scale score 0 to 2 at 90 days for the purposes of this investigation. To evaluate the connection between outcome and mode of onset, univariable analysis and multivariable logistic regression was used. The study involved all 206 enrolled individuals. Mode of onset was not identified as a significant predictor of modified Rankin Scale score 0 to 2 at 90 days in univariable and multivariable analyses. The benefit of thrombectomy was similar irrespective of the wake-up, unwitnessed, or witnessed mode of onset in patients with acute ischemic stroke presenting between 6 and 24 hours from time last seen well and harboring clinical-infarct mismatch.
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