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Association between specimen length and number of sections and diagnostic yield of temporal artery biopsy for giant cell arteritis

Arthritis Care & Research Mar 12, 2021

Muratore F, Boiardi L, Cavazza A, et al. - This study was undertaken to evaluate the relationship between specimen length and number of sections evaluated and the diagnostic yield of temporal artery biopsy (TAB) for giant cell arteritis (GCA). Between January 1991 and December 2012, all TABs performed for suspected GCA were revied by a pathologist. In this study, findings from 662 TABs were enrolled (71% female; mean age 73.2 years). The outcomes suggested that a postfixation TAB specimen length of at least 5 mm should be sufficient to make a histologic diagnosis of GCA. At least 3 further sections at deeper levels should be assessed in all negative TAB specimens, in order not to miss inflammatory changes.

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