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Association between diabetes, metabolic syndrome and heart attack in US adults: A cross-sectional analysis using the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2015

BMJ Open Sep 20, 2019

Yang GR, et al. – Researchers assessed 332,008 adults (> 18 years) to investigate diabetes mellitus (DM) and metabolic syndrome (MS), and their comparative relations with heart attack, using the 2015 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). Participants were divided into four groups based on their DM and MS status: neither DM nor MS, DM without MS, MS without DM, and both DM and MS. The researchers used weighted hierarchical logistic regression to examine the difference between the four groups in their links to heart attack risk. Differences in weighted frequency distributions of sex, age category (over 45 years or not), smoking status, education, race, physical activity and daily vegetable and fruit consumption were substantially varied across the four groups. The weighted prevalence of heart attack for neither DM nor MS group was 5.2%; for DM without MS group, 8.5%; for MS without DM group, 11.0%; and for both DM and MS group ,16.1%. Furthermore, the weighted prevalence of heart attack in the MS without DM group was significantly higher vs the DM without MS group. Following adjustment for confounding variables, DM without MS and MS without DM were independently linked to heart attack vs those without DM nor MS. Overall, MS without DM and DM without MS had comparable effects on heart attack, according to the BRFSS 2015 data, and the odds of risk were two-fold than US adults with neither DM nor MS.

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