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Are older adults with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis less active than the general population? Analysis from the osteoarthritis initiative and the national health and nutrition examination survey

Arthritis Care & Research Oct 04, 2018

Thoma LM, et al. - Researchers compared objectively measured physical activity in older adults with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis (OA) to similarly aged adults without osteoarthritis (OA) or knee symptoms from the general population. In those with symptomatic knee OA, time spent in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) was similarly low as observed in older adults without knee pain or OA. Similarly, low levels of physical activity in age- and sex-specific strata were observed in both cohorts. In people with symptomatic knee OA, time in MVPA ranged from a median of 1 to 22 minutes per day, and from 1 to 24 minutes per day in the general population without OA or knee pain.

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