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Analysis of the screening results of 24,040 potential sperm donors in a human sperm bank in Henan Province, China: A 14-year retrospective cohort study

Human Reproduction Feb 24, 2021

Liu J, Dai Y, Li Y, et al. - Researchers here examined whether the characteristics of potential sperm donors are correlated with the acceptance rate of these potential donors. Screening was performed of a total of 24,040 potential sperm donors by the Henan Human Sperm Bank from 2006 to 2019. For semen quality screening, they invited potential sperm donors with the following baseline requirement: height of 168 cm or taller; age 22-45 years; currently attending or had graduated from high school or above. Following were included as the acceptable criteria for semen samples: liquefaction time < 60min, volume ≥ 2mL, sperm concentration ≥ 60 × 10 6 /mL, progressive motility ≥ 60%, post-thaw motility ≥ 40%, prefreezing total motile sperm per vial > 30 × 106/mL, post-thaw total motile sperm per vial > 12 × 10 6 /mL, and freeze-thaw survival rate ≥ 60%. Accepted were only 23.38% (5,620/24,040) of potential sperm donors. For rejection, following were the top four reasons: suboptimal semen quality (90.27%), STDs (6.26%), dropped out (2.65%), and chromosomal abnormalities (0.35%). Acceptance rate was relatively higher for potential sperm donors who were aged ≤ 35 years, were married, had children, and who had received higher education. In addition, higher acceptance rates were observed during spring and winter than summer and autumn.

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