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Analysis of the risk factors for postherpetic neuralgia

Dermatology Jul 04, 2019

Wei S, et al. - Via 202 inpatients with herpes zoster in the General Hospital of Tianjin Medical University, researchers examined risk factors for postherpetic neuralgia and to provide a reference for clinical diagnosis and treatment. Patients were divided into the postherpetic neuralgia group and the nonpostherpetic neuralgia group according to the occurrence of postherpetic neuralgia. According to multivariate logistic regression analysis, gender, use of glucocorticoid, interval from onset to antiviral therapy, involved nerves, and specific clinical classification exhibited no statistical significance. However, significant differences were found in age, body side of skin lesion distribution, general clinical classification, and degree of pain during the acute stage of the disease. Risk factors for postherpetic neuralgia were pain during the acute stage of herpes zoster, age greater than 70 years, and serious type of skin lesion.

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