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Adverse event and treatment completion rates of a 12-dose weekly isoniazid and rifapentine course for South Korean healthcare workers

Respiratory Medicine Oct 11, 2019

Jo KW, Kim JS, Kwon HS, et al. - Among South Korean health care workers (HCWs) having latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI), researchers looked at the adverse events as well as treatment completion rates for a 3-month course of once-weekly isoniazid and rifapentine (3H1P1). HCWs who were candidates for LTBI treatment and gave consent were treated with the 3H1P1 regimen (3H1P1 group). Isoniazid plus rifampin was received for 3 months by HCWs who needed LTBI treatment (3HR group). Overall, treatment was given to 406 HCWs, 226 (55.7%) in the 3H1P1 group, and 180 (44.3%) in the 3HR group. Findings revealed a higher treatment completion rate and lower hepatotoxicity observed in relation to the 3H1P1 regimen vs the 3HR regimen. However, it caused a higher rate of flu-like syndromes. Anaphylaxis occurred in a few participants, but fatalities were nil.
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