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A retrospective cohort study on surgical outcomes of penile prosthesis implantation surgery in transgender men after phalloplasty

Urology Aug 01, 2019

van der Sluis WB, Pigot GLS, Al-Tamimi M, et al. - Transgender men who underwent penile prosthesis implantation following phalloplasty between January 1989 and September 2018 were retrospectively involved in this study by the researchers in order to evaluate surgical outcomes of penile prosthesis implantation in these men. A total of 32 patients were identified out of which 22, five, four and one underwent free radial forearm flap, anterolateral thighs, anterolateral thigh/free radial forearm flap, and fibular flap phalloplasty, respectively.T he median age at prosthesis implantation was 36 years and the mean BMI was 25.9 ± 4.0 kg/m2. Sixteen inflatable and 16 malleable prostheses were placed at first implantation. Of these, five, two, two, two, two and one, respectively, were removed/replaced because of infection, because of leakage, because of extrusion, because of dislocation, because of dysfunction, and because of pain. In ten people, the postoperative course was completely uneventful. Twenty-one were surgically replaced or removed out of all implanted prostheses, including revision procedures (n = 45). Therefore, prosthesis explantation, replacement, or revision surgery occurred commonly following penile prosthesis implantation. Patients are required to be well-informed preoperatively about such complication rates.
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