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A data-driven approach for the discovery of biomarkers associated with thyroid eye disease

BMC Ophthalmology Apr 14, 2021

Zou H, Xu W, Wang Y, et al. - Researchers conducted the study for discovering potential biomarkers and regulatory pathways of thyroid eye disease (TED) which will not only help to diagnose the disease and understand orbital involvement in thyroid dysfunction but also provide an insight for better therapeutics. Twenty-two gene biomarkers involved in the pathogenesis of TED were identified, including 18 semi-automatically curated from the literature and 4 predicted using data-driven approaches, that can be used as potential therapeutic targets. Using four prominent interaction databases, they created a regulatory pathway of TED biomarkers with 310 connected components and 1,134 interactions. This constructed pathway can be used for disease dynamics and simulation studies in the future.

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