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A cross-sectional and 6-year follow-up study of associations between leisure time physical activity and vertebral fracture in adults

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Sep 26, 2019

Mikkilä S, et al. - In women and men who partook in the population-based Tromsø Study, researchers used logistic regression to explore the connection between leisure time physical activity, which is an important health-promoting factor, and vertebral fracture risk. In total, 1,904 candidates were involved in the cross-sectional analysis (2007–2008). Prospective follow-up data (2001 to 2007) on physical activity were available for 1,131 candidates. Findings suggested that physical activity has no major role to play in preventing vertebral fractures in adult and elderly women and men. Future studies may benefit from incident vertebral fracture data and physical activity that is objectively measured.
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