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Genital reconstruction for the transgendered individual

Journal of Pediatric Urology Sep 16, 2017

Djordjevic ML, et al. - The objective of this research was to present recent surgical techniques available in genital reconstruction for female-to-male (FTM) and male-to-female (MTF) transgender patients. The results confirmed that a multidisciplinary approach including psychiatrists, psychologists, plastic surgeons, urologists, and gynecologists was considered to be effective treatment in transgenders. Moreover, the surgeons’ familiarity with the surgical procedure and the patients’ desired body images should meet at the same level to guarantee a successful outcome.

  • In this overview, researchers studied currently published papers concerning the most common procedures in genital reconstruction in FTM transgenders and in MTF transgenders.

  • It was demonstrated that there is a wealth of available surgical procedures for FTM transgenders that will adjust their body and genitals toward the male gender.
  • The findings suggested that chest masculinization combined with either metoidioplasty or phalloplasty are the most common procedures resulting in high patient satisfaction. Standardization of the procedures for vaginoplasty in MTF transgenders led to the penile inversion skin technique becoming a “gold standard” for vaginal lining in MTF patients, providing satisfying functional and esthetical outcome of the surgery.
  • A vaginal lining can be created from hairless skin grafts, or a section of intestine may be applied (bowel vaginoplasty) in extreme cases of shortage of skin, or when a vaginoplasty has failed.
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