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Impact of historical intimate partner violence on wellbeing and risk for elder abuse in older women

The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry Jan 13, 2021

Cations M, Keage HAD, Laver KE, et al. - A prospective cohort study was performed to evaluate the psychological effects and risk for elder abuse correlated with historical intimate partner violence (IPV) in older women. Researchers enrolled a sum of 12,259 women aged 70–75 years at baseline in the Australian Longitudinal Study of Women's Health. This study’s findings demonstrated that women who have experienced a violent relationship continue to experience negative impacts into older age, indicating the usefulness of clinical monitoring and ongoing support for survivors as they age. Significantly poorer psychological wellbeing at all timepoints was reported by the 6.4% of women who reported historical IPV vs those who did not report historical IPV; these women were also at higher risk for incident depression over follow up.

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