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The association between central serous chorioretinopathy and sleep apnea: A nationwide population-based study

Retina Sep 26, 2020

Liu PK, Chang YC, Tai MH, et al. - Using the Taiwan National Health Insurance Database, researchers conducted this nationwide population-based study to explore the connection between sleep apnea (SA) and central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC). The sample consisted of adult patients with a diagnosis of SA and matched each patient to 30 age- and gender-matched control individuals without any SA diagnosis. In total, 10,753 SA patients and 322,590 control subjects have been identified. The incidence rate of CSC was significantly higher in SA patients than in the control subjects after adjusting for age, gender, residency, income level, and comorbidities. Male gender, age ≤ 50 years, higher income, presence of heart disease, absence of chronic pulmonary disease, and presence of liver disease were risk factors for CSC in SA patients. The authors found a significantly higher incidence rate of CSC in patients with SA relative to control individuals.

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