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Cultural adaptation of the mental health first aid guidelines for depression used in English-speaking countries for China: A Delphi expert consensus study

BMC Psychiatry Jul 05, 2020

Lu S, Li W, Oldenburg B, et al. - This study was undertaken to culturally adapt the existing English-language mental health first aid (MHFA) guidelines for helping a person with depression to the Chinese context. Researchers performed a Delphi expert consensus study, in which two Chinese expert panels of mental health professionals (with experience in the field of clinical management of depression, n = 37) and consumers and carers (with lived experience, n = 30) rated the importance of actions that could be taken to help a person experiencing depression in mainland China. As per the outcomes, they also incorporated some new actions for the Chinese context, including those relating to different ways of respecting the autonomy of a person with depression and the role of their families, although the adapted guidelines were still quite similar to the guidelines Future studies are needed to investigate the use of these guidelines by the Chinese public, including how they may be incorporated in Mental Health First Aid training.

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