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Does biofeedback therapy improve quality of life in children with lower urinary tract dysfunction: parents' perspective

Journal of Pediatric Urology Jan 25, 2020

Kopru B, et al. - In this study, researchers evaluated the biofeedback success in children with LUTD according to parents' expressions. The hospital records of children were retrospectively analyzed, who were diagnosed with LUTD between 2005 and 2017. They enrolled a sum of 281 individuals. They analyzed all voiding disorders and voiding patterns at the end of the six-month follow-up period. They found that biofeedback therapy influenced positively the daily life of LUTD's family. In moderated and seriously affected families, the impact of biofeedback therapy was less successful. The results of this study suggested that, for improving the QoL, Biofeedback treatment is a non-invasive and effective treatment modality for LUTD families who were less suffered from LUTD.
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