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Acute scrotum and testicular torsion in children: Retrospective study in a single institution

Journal of Pediatric Urology Dec 08, 2019

Tanaka K, et al. - All children (age, ≤ 15 years, n = 165) with acute scrotum (AS) who visited our hospital between January 2012 and June 2019 were retrospectively evaluated in order to ascertain the incidence, clinical examination, etiology, clinical predictors, and treatment of individuals with AS including testicular torsion (TT). In the non-salvageable testis group vs salvageable testis group, the level of CRP, duration of symptoms and degree of torsion were notably greater. Results indicate that to differentiate TT from AS, age (older than 12 years), WBC (> 12,000 cells/mm3) count and laterality (left side) are important factors. Salvageability was hugely dependent on the duration of symptoms and the degree of TT. Thus, the salvage rate of the testis could be improved by instructing pediatricians, parents, people and medical staff regarding the early diagnosis and treatment of torsion.
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