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Outcomes of ureteroscopy (URS) for stone disease in the pediatric population: Results of over 100 URS procedures from a UK tertiary center

World Journal of Urology Apr 08, 2019

Jones P, et al. - Authors analyzed the data to research the consequences of pediatric ureteroscopy (URS) in case of stone disease from a specialist endo-urology center in the UK. They observed 9.2 mm (± 0.48, range 3–30 mm) and 11.5 mm (± 0.74, range 4–46 mm), the mean (± SEM) single and overall stone size respectively. They noted multiple stones in 22 cases. Pre-operatively, they observed stent in situ among 34.7% of cases. They found an initial and final stone-free rate (SFR) of 73% and 99%, respectively, with a mean hospital stay of 1.2 days. They recorded that 60% of candidates had ureteric stent placed at the end of the procedure. They suggested an achievement of the high stone-free rate with minimal morbidity for pediatric patients.
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