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Incidence and microbiology of post-operative infections after radical cystectomy and ureteral stent removal; A retrospective cohort study

BMC Infectious Diseases Apr 06, 2019

Kolwijck E, et al. - In 147 patients undergoing urinary diversion surgery (UDS) in a tertiary university medical center, researchers performed a retrospective cohort study to determine the incidence and microbiology of infections in the 30-day post-operative period following UDS. In addition, they assessed if the currently used peri-operative antibacterial prophylaxis was effective. They identified 82 post-operative infections in 69 patients (46.9%); among these, 27 patients had bacteremia (18.4%). On day 4-5 and on day 8-10 postoperatively, they observed the greatest incidence of infections. Ureteral stent removal was especially linked with both bacteremia and complicated urinary tract infections. In 67.9% of blood cultures, Enterobacteriaceae were cultured. These were only highly susceptible to ciprofloxacine, piperacillin-tazobactam (90%), meropenem and gentamicin (100%). For patients undergoing radical cystectomy, broadening antibiotic prophylaxis might be needed.

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