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Vaginal mesh repair systems for pelvic organ prolapse: Anatomical study comparing transobturator/trangluteal versus single incision techniques

Neurourology and Urodynamics Sep 22, 2017

Campagna G, et al. - A comparative scrutiny was conducted of the anatomic landmarks of two pelvic floor repair systems. The intent was to determine the potential neurovascular lesions associated with various mesh fixation techniques. It was inferred that the anterior transobturator system exerted an increased risk of posterior obturator vessels branches injury. During posterior transgluteal repair, the distance of the ischio-anal fossa to sacrospinous ligament served as an approach that could rule against the correct needle positioning with an increased risk of pudendal lesions. Single incision approach presented an easier access to the sacrospinous ligament with a lower risk of pudendal lesions.
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