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Underutilization of aspirin in patients with advanced colorectal polyps

American Journal of Medicine Jan 29, 2019

Fiedler B, et al. - In this study, researchers investigated whether aspirin reduces the risk of colorectal cancer. A total of 84 men and women with advanced colorectal polyps from 55 clinical practices participated in brief telephone interviews conducted by trained interviewers, and they provided written informed consent. According to findings, aspirin was underutilized by patients with advanced colorectal polyps. These findings present major challenges that require multifactorial approaches by clinicians and their patients, including changes in therapeutic lifestyle and adjunctive drug therapies and screening. Changes in lifestyle include avoiding and treating overweight and obesity, as well as regular physical activity and adjunctive drug therapies, including aspirin. These multifactorial approaches will be necessary to achieve the best in patients with advanced colorectal polyps in terms of prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment of colorectal cancer.

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