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The value of the surprise question to predict one-year mortality in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: A prospective cohort study

Respiration Jun 01, 2021

Moor CC, Tak van Jaarsveld NC, Owusuaa C, et al. - By conducting this prospective cohort study, researchers wished to assess the predictive value of the surprise question (“would you be surprised if this patient died within the next year?”) for 1-year mortality in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). This study involved 140 patients and for each included patient, clinicians answered the surprise question. The estimated 1-year all-cause mortality was 20% (n = 28). Patients with a survival of <1 year were identified by clinicians with a sensitivity and specificity of 68% and 82%, respectively, with an accuracy of 79%, and positive and negative predictive values of 49% and 91%, respectively. Based on findings experts concluded that in IPF cases, one-year mortality can be accurately predicted by the answer to the surprise question, and therefore, this simple instrument may allow timely focus on palliative care for IPF patients.

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