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The role of anterior chamber depth on post-operative refractive error after phacovitrectomy

Clinical Ophthalmology May 24, 2021

Katz G, el Zhalka F, Veksler R, et al. - In this investigation involving 43 patients (43 eyes), researchers sought to examine the impact of phacovitrectomy on the postoperative anterior chamber depth (ACD) and refractive outcomes and to investigate the potential differences between vitreous filling with BSS, air and gas. Patients who had phacovitrectomy were involved in this research and were invited to return for a postoperative examination, including refraction and biometry, at least 3 months after the surgery. When compared with cataract surgery, phacovitrectomy is associated with lower postoperative refraction accuracy. This could be due to a significant change in ACD, which influences the effective lens position of the intraocular lens and may necessitate adjusting the preoperative calculations.

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