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The role of angioembolization in the management of blunt renal injuries: A systematic review

BMC Urology Aug 18, 2021

Liguori G, Rebez G, Larcher A, et al. - This is the first study to evaluate outcomes and indications of angioembolization in blunt renal injuries. The findings imply that outcomes are excellent in a hemodynamic stable, moderate to high-grade renal trauma.

  • Researchers enrolled a total of 16 articles to evaluate angioembolization of blunt renal injury.

  • The study included a total of 412 patients: 8 presented with grade II renal trauma (2%), 97 with grade III renal trauma (23%); 225 with grade IV (55%); and 82 with grade V (20%).

  • The study found successful renal angioembolization (RAE) in 92% of grade III–IV (294/322) and 76% of grade V (63/82).

  • The success rate was achieved in 90% (312/346) of stable patients, but only in 63% (42/66) of unstable patients regarding hemodynamic status.

  • For RAE, the most common indication was active contrast extravasation in hemodynamic stable patients with grade III or IV blunt renal injuries.

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