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The importance of cytokines analysis in the diagnosis of vitreoretinal lymphoma

Acta Ophthalmologica Feb 06, 2020

Frenkel S, et al. - Researchers conducted this retrospective observational study to assess the effectiveness of the different diagnostic tests for vitreoretinal lymphoma (VRL). The sample consisted of a cohort of patients (n = 150) who were studied under the presumed diagnosis of VRL in the Ocular Oncology Service of Hadassah Hebrew Universality Medical Center from March 1997 up to March 2018. In 78 patients, VRL was diagnosed. In this subset, the respective sensitivity for cytology, PCR and cytokine analysis was 79.5%, 41.0%, and 82.1% respectively, and the accuracy of the tests was 89.9%, 60.8%, and 81.0% respectively. Cytokines analysis plays a significant role in diagnosing VRL. Analyzing cytokines levels were suggested in all cases suspected of VRL along with cytology and PCR analysis.
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