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The effect of a ptosis procedure compared with an upper blepharoplasty on dry eye syndrome

American Journal of Ophthalmology Dec 06, 2019

Zloto O, et al. - By describing this prospective, comparative case series, researchers intended to unveil the influence of combined blepharoplasty and Müller’s Muscle-Conjunctival Resection (MMCR) vs an upper blepharoplasty on dry eye syndrome. They examined adult patients with dermatochalasis and adult patients having dermatochalasis and ptosis that demonstrated significant improvement following phenylephrine 10% instillation. Prior to the procedure (baseline) as well as on postoperative days 90, a comparison of MRD1 (superior margin reflex distance 1), Ocular-Surface-Disease-Index, Schirmer’s-test-2, Tear-break-up-time, Fluorescein-staining, Lissamine-green-staining was performed. Findings revealed that the subjective feeling of dry eye and signs of dry eye increased as a consequence of MMCR surgery. This increase was not evident following blepharoplasty surgery. Experts recommended clinicians to be aware of the risk of dry eye following ptosis surgery and to discuss dry eye as a complication of MMCR surgery with their patients prior to surgery. They also advised careful examination in those patients as well as treatment for dry eye during follow-up.
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