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Sexual behaviours and sexual health outcomes among young adults with limiting disabilities: Findings from third British National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3)

BMJ Open Jul 17, 2018

Holdsworth E, et al. - Using computer-assisted personal interviewing and computer-assisted self-interview, complex survey analyses of cross-sectional probability sample survey data collected between September 2010 and August 2012 to investigate whether the sexual behaviours and sexual health outcomes of young adults with self-reported disabilities that they perceive limit their activities (‘limiting disability’) differ from those without disability. Despite comparatively few behavioural differences, young adults with limiting disability, particularly women, are more likely to report adverse sexual health outcomes than those without. Ensure that individuals with disabilities are incorporated into sexual health promotion and service planning, and targeted policy and programme interventions are expected to address negative sexual health outcomes disproportionally experienced by people with disabilities.
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