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Role of anterior segment optical coherence tomography angiography in assessing limbal vasculature in acute chemical injury of the eye

British Journal of Ophthalmology Apr 02, 2021

Ang M, Foo V, Ke M, et al. - Researchers conducted the study for analyzing the role of two anterior segment optical coherence tomography angiography (AS-OCTA) systems in eyes with acute chemical injury. Sequential slit-lamp assessment with spectral domain (SD) (AngioVue, Optovue, USA) and swept source (SS) (Plex Elite, Zeiss, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin, California, USA) AS-OCTA was conducted in both eyes within 24–48 hours of injury. AS-OCTA provided objective, non-contact, fast evaluation of limbal vasculature involvement in eyes with acute chemical injury in this pilot study. More research is needed to determine the role of AS-OCTA in predicting the prognosis of eyes with chemical injuries.

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