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Rivaroxaban in the treatment of upper extremity deep vein thrombosis: A single-center experience and review of the literature

Thrombosis Research Jul 19, 2019

Schastlivtsev I, et al. - Via a single-center prospective observational study involving 30 subjects with their first upper extremity deep vein thrombosis (UEDVT) episode verified by duplex ultrasound scan, experts evaluated UEDVT. All subjects were initially given low-molecular-weight heparin for 1 to 2 days and then were switched to rivaroxaban for 3–6 months. Every case was followed for 6 months. No episodes of recurrent symptomatic venous thromboembolism or asymptomatic UEDVT was observed. No episode of major bleeding was found. In two subjects with uterine bleeding and large skin hemorrhage, clinically apparent non-major bleeding happened. Minor bleeding was discovered in two cases with nasal and gingival bleeding. In every affected limb at three months, recanalization of the upper extremity deep veins was noted, and it lasted up to 6 months. In four cases, the signs of upper limb post-thrombotic syndrome were ascertained, and the mean modified Villalta score was calculated as 2.1 ± 1.9. Hence, treatment of UEDVT with rivaroxaban, followed by one to two days of LMWH, appeared to be safe and efficient.
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