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Risk factors of health care–associated infection in elderly patients: A retrospective cohort study performed at a tertiary hospital in China

BMC Geriatrics Jul 25, 2019

Zhao X, et al. - In this study, researchers analyzed data of 3-year monitoring in elderly inpatients in a large tertiary hospital in China in order to understand the risk factors of health-care associated infection (HAI) in elderly hospitalized patients, so that this condition could be prevented, and recovery rate of elderly patients could be enhanced. They assessed 60,332 elderly subjects (aged ≥ 60 years). The estimated HAI incidence among the participants was 2.62%. The identified risk factors of suffering HAI in the elderly included advanced age, accompanied by some neurological and chronic noncommunicable diseases, hospital days before HAI, intensive care unit admission, and use of devices. The potential protective factors included body weight and operation.

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