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Risk factors for mortality in patients with pulmonary mucormycosis

Mycoses Apr 22, 2020

Son HJ, Song JS, Choi S, et al. - In immunocompromised patients, pulmonary mucormycosis (PM) is correlated with significant burden in terms of morbidity and mortality. Researchers here sought prognostic factors in adult patients who were diagnosed with proven and probable PM according to the modified definitions of the EORTC/MSG 2008 in a tertiary hospital in Seoul, South Korea, between 2008 and 2019. Enrollment of 49 patients was done; these comprised 31 (63%) with proven PM and 18 (37%) with probable PM. Death was reported of about half of the patients with PM within 90 days of diagnosis; patients with prolonged neutropenia and empirical voriconazole use commonly reported fatal outcomes. They recommend practicing caution when using voriconazole even in cases with positive galactomannan results and previous histories of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in whom PM cannot be ruled out by differential diagnosis.

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