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Reporting of pain by people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): Comparative results from the HUNT3 population-based survey

BMC Public Health Feb 01, 2018

Andenæs R, et al. - Researchers examined whether people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) were at higher risk for chronic pain and reported higher pain intensity compared to those with arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, or no disease, taking into consideration the demographic and lifestyle variables, comorbidities, anxiety, and depression. People with COPD had a high probability of chronic pain and increased pain intensity, second only to those with arthritis among the disease groups included in this study. A close relationship was demonstrated between pain and anxiety and depression. The associations between pain and socioeconomic and lifestyle factors (eg, smoking and exercise) suggested the need for efforts at the societal level to reduce inequality in health.
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