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Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled split-face trial of the efficacy of tranexamic acid by drug delivery through microneedling in the treatment of melasma

Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology Jun 23, 2021

Arida DKK, Rebellato PRO, de Campos GLM, et al. - In the present study, the researchers sought to assess the effectiveness of tranexamic acid when applied in the form of drug delivery through microneedling in the treatment of facial melasma. A randomized controlled double-blind split-face trial with 3 monthly sessions in 20 melasma patients: microneedling was conducted in the entire face, and then TA solution was applied to one hemiface and placebo to the other. The authors concluded that tranexamic acid in drug delivery through microneedling provided no additional benefit in the treatment of melisma.

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