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Psychological distress and sleep disturbance throughout thyroid nodules screening, diagnosis and treatment

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Apr 16, 2021

Li R, Li G, Wang Y, et al. - This research was sought to assess patients’ psychological distress and sleep disturbance throughout thyroid nodules (TNs) screening, diagnosis, and treatment. Researchers recruited 2,834 participants (1,153 participants with TNs) during the screening phase, and 1,105 individuals with TNs (87 individuals with thyroid cancer) were included during the diagnosis phase. The findings of impaired psychological health and sleep quality demonstrate that screening for TNs in adults who exhibit no symptoms should be performed with caution. When fine needle aspiration is performed for suspected thyroid cancer or operation for PTC, particularly papillary thyroid microcarcinoma, psychological distress, and sleep disturbance should also be taken into consideration.

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