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Program ACTIVE II: Outcomes from a randomized, multi-state community-based depression treatment for rural and urban adults with type 2 diabetes

Diabetes Care May 30, 2019

de Groot M, et al. - Researchers conducted the Program ACTIVE II—a randomized, controlled, multicenter treatment trial—to test the comparative efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and/or community-based exercise (EXER) on diabetes and outcomes of depression vs usual care (UC). Adults who had type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) for ≥ 1 year and met clinical criteria for major depressive disorder (MDD) were randomized to CBT (10 sessions occurring over 12 weeks; N=36), EXER (12 weeks of community-based exercise, including 6 sessions with a personal trainer; N=34), CBT+EXER (concurrent over a 12-week period; N=34), or UC (N = 36) using a 2 × 2 factorial randomized, controlled trial design. Compared with UC, the CBT+EXER group showed improved HbA1c. In adults with T2DM and MDD, the Program ACTIVE behavioral treatment interventions showed clinically meaningful improvements in depression outcomes. These community-based interventions complement medical care and extend access to such interventions in rural and urban areas.

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