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Prevalence of hidradenitis suppurativa among patients with Down syndrome: A population-based cross-sectional analysis

British Journal of Dermatology Apr 04, 2018

Garg A, et al. - The commonness of hidradenitis suppurativa was evaluated in the patients who had Down syndrome, and experts compared the findings to another group of patients that did not have Down syndrome. Patients with Down syndrome had 5 times the likelihood of having hidradenitis suppurativa, compared to those without this condition. Results demonstrated Hidradenitis suppurativa to be most common among Down syndrome patients of age 18–29 years. Males and females, and whites and non-whites, with Down syndrome were affected equally by Hidradenitis suppurativa. Among the patients with Down syndrome, hidradenitis may occur earlier in life or it could occur more severely and hence lead to earlier visits to the doctor for this condition. In patients with Down syndrome, hidradenitis suppurativa could be diagnosed earlier as doctors could be examining patients with Down syndrome more frequently in general.
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