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Predicting probable eating disorder case-status in men using the clinical impairment assessment: evidence for a gender-specific threshold

Eating Behaviours Jul 29, 2021

Richson BN, Johnson SN, Swanson TJ, et al. - A global Clinical Impairment Assessment (CIA) score of 16 is a widely used self-report measure for identifying clinically significant impairment associated with a probable eating disorder (ED). In preliminary research on gender disparities in CIA scores, men with EDs showed less impairment on the CIA relative to women with EDs. Hence, researchers sought to test if a different impairment threshold is required to detect cases of men with EDs. Among men included in this study (N = 162), CIA global score of 13 seemed optimal to identify probable eating disorders. Lower CIA scores are possibly suggestive of significant ED-related impairment in men.

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