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Outcomes in unilateral primary aldosteronism after surgical or medical therapy

Clinical Endocrinology Oct 20, 2020

Puar TH, Loh LM, Loh WJ, et al. - Researchers conducted this retrospective cohort study to compare outcomes of surgery and medications in patients with confirmed or likely unilateral primary aldosteronism (PA). The sample consisted of 274 patients with PA managed at two referral centers from 2000–2019. One hundred fifty-four patients identified with unilateral PA using adrenal vein sampling and a validated clinical prediction model were treated with surgical (n = 86) or medical (n = 68) therapy. Medical therapy improves clinical and biochemical control and can provide similar cardiovascular protection in patients with unilateral PA who can tolerate medications. Surgery, however, lowers the burden of pills, can cure hypertension and is recommended for unilateral PA.

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