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Outcomes and quality of life among men after anal sphincter-sparing transperineal rectourethral fistula repair

Urology Sep 09, 2018

Hampson LA, et al. - Authors ascertained the long-term quality of life (QOL) outcomes following rectourethral fistula (RUF) repair. Researchers assessed patients undergoing RUF repair at a tertiary referral center. Even with possible residual issues such as perineal pain and urinary incontinence, patient satisfaction and improved QOL was seen after RUF repair. Findings suggested that appropriate radiated and non-radiated patients should be offered definitive RUF repair. Perineal pain was reported by 53%, problems related to the gracilis flap were reported by 43%, and urinary incontinence (primarily occasional mild leakage) was reported by 80% at long-term follow-up (mean 45.6 ± 27.1 months).

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