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Ocular surface changes in patients with thyroid eye disease: An observational clinical study

Clinical Ophthalmology Jun 18, 2021

Allam IY, Lazreg S, Shafik Shaheen M, et al. - In this observational clinical study, researchers sought to compare ocular surface parameter changes in active and inactive thyroid eye disease (TED) patients and controls. The research involved 60 patients divided equally among three groups. The first group (Group A) consisted of 20 eyes with active TED (CAS score ≥ 3/7), the second group (Group B) consisted of 20 eyes with inactive TED (CAS score < 3/7), and the third group (Group C) consisted of 20 eyes of controls without dry eye manifestations. The current study demonstrated that the median average for the ocular surface disease index score was higher in the active TED group than in the inactive group. This investigation found differences in ocular surface parameter changes between active and inactive TED when compared with controls.

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