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Multiple cause of death analysis in multiple sclerosis: A population-based study

Neurology® Mar 03, 2020

Harding K, et al. - In the present study, the researchers sought to gain a better understanding of the complex patterns of causes that lead to death due to multiple sclerosis (MS) by evaluating the connection between MS and other causes of death listed on death certificates. In British Columbia, Canada, between 1986 and 2013, multiple causes of death were reported for all adult deaths (aged ≥18 years). Of the 771,288 deaths, 2,153 certificates mention MS. MS-attributed deaths were commonly caused by infection (particularly related to the respiratory and urinary tract); conditions related to advanced disability and immobility, such as aspiration pneumonia; and chronic respiratory disease in men. All are potentially modifiable; interventions that reduce these complications' frequency or severity may enhance MS survival.
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