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Movement behavior patterns in people with first-ever stroke

Stroke Nov 04, 2019

Wondergem R, et al. - In the present study, the researchers identified movement behavior patterns in individuals (n = 190) with the first-ever stroke discharged to the home setting, as well as analyzed factors correlated with the identified patterns. Using principal component analysis, ten movement behavior outcomes were calculated and compressed. Using a k-means clustering algorithm, they identified movement behavior patterns. The accelerometer was worn on average for 13.7 hours a day. Participants' average movement behavior showed 9.3 sedentary hours, 3.8 light physical activity hours, and 0.6 moderately vigorous physical activity hours. Most people with stroke are sedentary and inactive. There were identified three different patterns of movement behavior: sedentary exercisers, sedentary movers, and sedentary prolongers. The movement behavior patterns found support the hypothesis that health care professionals may require an individually tailored approach to movement behavior coaching.
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