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Long-term outcomes of arrhythmia and distinct electrophysiological features in congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries in an Asian cohort

American Heart Journal Nov 23, 2020

Tseng WC, Huang CN, Chiu SN, et al. - Researchers analyzed a large Asian cohort to determine the arrhythmia burden, related risk factors, arrhythmia mechanisms, as well as the long-term follow-up outcomes in patients with congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (ccTGA). A total of 104 patients (43 women and 61 men) were enrolled, with a mean age of 20.8 years at last follow-up. Experts detected paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) [PSVT] and atrial arrhythmia in 17 (16%) and 27 (26%) patients, respectively, for 40 patients (38%) with tachyarrhythmia; 4 patients (4%) experienced both types of SVT. The 20-year SVT-free survival rate was 68% and 30-year SVT-free survival rate was 54%. Findings revealed a high arrhythmia burden, which increased over time, in patients with ccTGA. However, incidence of complete atrioventricular block was identified to be relatively low and kept stationary in this Asian cohort. Complicated mechanisms of SVT were observed which could be controlled by catheter ablation.

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