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Impact of valve morphology, hypertension and age on aortic wall properties in patients with coarctation: A two-centre cross-sectional study

BMJ Open Mar 30, 2020

Ghorbani N, Muthurangu V, Khushnood A, et al. - Researchers undertook this cross-sectional analysis at two university medical centres, located in Berlin and London, to determine the integrated impacts of arterial hypertension, bicuspid aortic valve disease (BAVD) and age on the distensibility of the ascending as well as descending aortas among patients having aortic coarctation. Overall 121 cases (ages 1–71 years) were involved, that were assessed based on cardiac MRI, echocardiography and blood pressure measurements. Among patients with coarctation in the ascending and in the descending aorta, 37% and 43%, respectively, were found to have impaired distensibility (below fifth percentile). Across all ages, the presence of BAVD (43%) and arterial hypertension (72%) was evident. From early adolescence on, a major influence of both arterial hypertension and BAVD on aortic distensibility was revealed. Their specific impacts were shown to vary in strength and localisation (descending vs ascending aorta). A link was identified between adequate blood pressure control and improved distensibility.

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