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Identifying predictive risk factors for pacemaker need in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement

Canadian Journal of Cardiology Oct 24, 2021

Lees M, MacLeod J, Pozeg Z, et al. - Findings demonstrate a high (>10%) use of permanent pacemaker in transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). In addition, pacemaker necessity post-TAVR was most strongly predicted by several ECG abnormalities, especially right bundle branch block (RBBB).

  • A retrospective analysis of 377 patients who had TAVR and were without a previous pacemaker; of these, 42 (11.1%) needed permanent pacemaker insertion (PPI) post-TAVR.

  • In univariate analysis, the factors linked with increased PPI included larger valves (>29cm), renal insufficiency, and ECG abnormalities including RBBB, QRS duration >200ms, and heart rate < 50bpm.

  • Post-multivariable analysis, the independent predictive risk factor of PPI was only ECG abnormalities as a combined outcome (OR 5.19).

  • All-cause mortality was not significantly impacted by post-TAVI pacemaker insertion.

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