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Heart failure associated with imported malaria: A nationwide Danish cohort study

ESC Heart Failure Jul 30, 2021

Brainin P, Mohr GH, Modin D, et al. - In this study, the long-term risk of cardiovascular events and death in individuals with a history of imported malaria in Denmark were explored. Researchers followed individuals with a history of malaria for the risk of incident heart failure (HF), myocardial infarction (MI), cardiovascular death, and all-cause death (1 January 1994 to 1 January 2017) using nationwide Danish registries. In this study, 3,912 cases with a history of malaria were distinguished (mean age 33 ± 17 years, 57% male, 41% Plasmodium falciparum infections). The results demonstrated that individuals with a history of imported malaria, specifically P. falciparum, may have an elevated risk of incident HF.

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