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Functional outcome assessment in bipolar disorder: A systematic literature review

Bipolar Disorders Apr 19, 2019

Chen M, et al. - In this systematic literature review, researchers looked at studies that assessed functioning in bipolar disorder (BD) patients and characterized the functional scales used and their implementation. The 40 cross-sectional and longitudinal studies identified utilized 24 different functional scales (13 clinician-rated scales, 7 self-reported scales, and 4 indices based on residential and vocational data). The most commonly used global scale was the Global Assessment of Functioning; the most commonly used domain-specific scale was the Functional Assessment Short Test. In these studies, functional scales were most commonly applied for evaluating the relationships between global or domain-specific psychosocial functioning and cognitive functioning (eg, executive function, attention, language, learning, memory) or clinical variables (eg, symptoms, duration of illness, number of hospitalizations, number of episodes).

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