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Evaluation of QoL in neurofibromatosis patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis study

BMC Neurology Jun 18, 2019

Sanagoo A, et al. - Twelve studies were selected and were included in the final analysis on 7,314 individuals containing 910 neurofibromatosis (NF, a group of inherited genetic disorders which affects the peripheral and central nervous system and predisposes affected individuals to develop tumors in the nerve’s sheath) by the researchers to review the literature on quality of life (QoL) in patients with NF and quantitatively assess the effects of NF on various aspects of quality of life by synthesizing available studies. Lower quality of life in all aspects of QoL in the family and NF patients were observed. Negative effects on physical function, bodily pain, mental health, social function and general health were also noticed in patients with NF.
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