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Evaluation of anterior segment parameters in pseudoexfoliation disease using anterior segment optical coherence tomography

American Journal of Ophthalmology Jul 30, 2021

Mohammadi M, Johari M, Eslami Y, et al. - Using anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) imaging, researchers sought to compare anterior segment and angle parameters between pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PEX) and pseudoexfoliation glaucoma (PEXG) and normal control individuals. A total of 102 individuals were recruited from an academic referral institution, with PEXG, PEX, and normal eyes as the control group. All participants had a complete ophthalmologic examination, axial length measurement, AS-OCT imaging (CASIA SS-1000, Tomey). The anterior segment and angle parameters were assessed. According to this cross-sectional study, the anterior chamber angle parameters of PXG eyes are the narrowest. The angle parameters gradually decrease from controls to PXS to PXG. Anterior chamber depth and a narrow anterior chamber angle may both play a role in the progression of pseudoexfoliation syndrome to glaucoma. Detection of narrow angle in these patients may aid clinicians in disease management.

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